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Las Positas College

Resources for Successful Students

What do Successful Math Students do?

Successful students know that when they are struggling, they are learning. To help you productively struggle, there are lots of FREE RESOURCES on campus to help you achieve your math goal!!

The Math Emporium

Math Emporium students are required to attend the section class in which they are enrolled, however, they are also allowed and encouraged to join any of the other class meetings as often as they want. The instructor and IA in any Math Emporium section is there to support all Math Emporium students. Come and utilize all this mode has to offer 9:30am to 8:45pm Monday through Thursday. 

Smart Shops!

What are Smart Shops? These are a series of workshops led by experienced faculty on a variety of topics that are geared toward helping you be better students. The Smart Shop Series will cover academics, transfer, and career topics, as well as Brain Research and Growth Mindset, Test Taking Strategies, and Math Anxiety.

Need to explore majors or learn about exciting careers? Need to improve your writing or study skills? Want to learn how to identify Fake News so you can be a more informed citizen? Need help applying for transfer? Well then, don’t wait!

Tutorial Center

The Tutorial Center offers free peer tutoring. Emporium students are welcome to attend any of their drop-in math help hours. Free drop-in tutoring for a variety of subjects is available. Students can also receive more individualized weekly tutoring sessions with a peer tutor. Please visit the Tutorial Center Website for more information. The link can be found in Canvas under the LPC Student Support Hub.

Your Math Instructor

Math Faculty members have office hours specifically to give them a chance to provide students with assistance in a more personalized way than class time can allow. You are encouraged to approach your instructor during office hours and ask questions on a regular basis. You can also email your instructor with questions about what you are learning or your progress.

Your Fellow Students!

90% of what you talk about, you remember. Use the Discussion Boards in Canvas to get help from your classmates, organize study groups, and spend time during class working through concepts.