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Las Positas College

Information for Math Emporium Students

Check your email for reminders from your teacher.


Attendance - The instructor may drop students who miss the first meeting of a course. Students are required to attend every class period either on campus or via zoom. Students who do not log into their Canvas course and complete all of their orientation assignments in Canvas by the third day of classes will be dropped. Students who miss 4 consecutive hours or 6 cumulative hours of class time may be dropped. Always communicate with your instructor if you are going to miss class or expect a lapse in activity.

Note: Students’ hours are tracked not only by attendance but by making progress in the course material. This means that students may be dropped if they have not submitted work for 2 weeks in BOTH of the following categories: 

  • Participation (Discussion boards and Check-ins)
  • Math Assignments (Labs, Interactive Assignments, Homework, Practice Tests, and/or Tests)

Merely coming to class, but not making progress will not keep you enrolled in the course.

If, at any point during the semester, you cannot meet these requirements, then please contact your instructor.

Participation - Each week you will earn participation credit in the course by completing the following assignments:

  • Weekly check-in Assignment – You will submit some information at the end of each week that summarizes your progress for the week and what you plan to complete the following week. You may do these assignments either through Canvas or in-person with your instructor at the end of the week if they allow it.  This is communication between you and your instructor only. Note: For online sections, these check-in assignments are to be completed via Zoom live.
  • Discussion Boards (Online only) – Working Together assignments are student-to student interactions with occasional input by your instructor.
    • In the Working Together discussion board, you will be asked to share a topic/question that you would like some help with or share a question that you solved, including the steps you took with your classmates. You will respond to your classmates' posts.

More detailed directions for these assignments will be given in Canvas.

Course Materials:

  • Emporium courses use Open Educational Resources that are free to students. The book and online homework system information will be provided on the first day of class in your Canvas course. Nothing to purchase at this time.
  • Mandatory: Official picture ID (driver’s license, LPC student ID, passport, state ID)
  • Mandatory: Calculator
    • Math 30, 39, 47, 1 - A scientific calculator is allowed on exams.
    • Math 40 - a TI-83/84 (graphing) calculator is allowed on exams.
    • When working in the classroom you will be able to borrow a scientific or graphing calculator during class and exams.
    • TI-83/84 (graphing) calculators may be borrowed from the campus library at no charge for the semester. Please visit: Library Technology for more information.
  • Course Materials Packet:
    • In-person sections: The packet will be distributed in the classroom on the first day of class.
    • Online sections: Choose one of the following 3 options.
      1. Students can pick up the packet in the classroom at LPC campus.
      2. Students that cannot come to campus, can order a handout set through the campus book store for a small fee. The packet will be mailed, so order early.
      3. Students can print the packet themselves. Warning: It is 200+ pages of material.
  • Recommended: A binder for your packet with loose-leaf paper or a notebook.
  • Recommended: Headphones for video lectures. If you are in the classroom on campus, we do have some that you may borrow. If you bring your own, please make sure they have a standard audio jack to connect to the computer.
  • The following are mandatory:
    • A way to scan handwritten documents to pdfs for submission.
      • Cellphone with scanning software (directions given on first day of class)
      • A printer/scanner with the ability to scan multiple pages into a single pdf file.
      • We can assist with this need in the classroom. 
    • A computer/laptop for online work.
    • A reliable internet connection.
    • A Webcam and Microphone (In-Person optional, Online Mandatory).
  • Testing: 
    • In-Person: You will be able to test in our Proctoring room in the classroom
    • Online: You can test in the Proctoring room in the classroom or use the proctoring service Proctorio if you choose to test at home.  Proctorio is a free service for LPC students.
    • All modalities review their tests with their instructors regardless of  on campus or online testing. 

If you do not have the required technology to take an online course, then please visit the Library Technology page as soon as possible. 

Learning/Practice Assignments:

Lecture Videos and Notes - Each section has a video with a set of follow-along lecture notes that must be completely filled in. Completed notes will be checked before you are allowed to take your module test. 

Homework - You must master each section with 80% or more to move on to the next section in the module. Homework does not count towards your overall course grade.

Lab Assignments (Math 39, 40, 47) - The score earned on a lab grade is a part of your course grade, so work carefully. These assignments will primarily be done through Canvas and Google sheets.

Practice Tests - These online assignments are taken prior to each Module Test. You must earn at least an 80% on this assignment to be eligible to take your Module Test. Your work will be reviewed by your instructor or instructional assistant to gain approval to take your module test. Make sure to follow all directions. 

*Note: Learning assignments, homework, and practice tests do not count towards your course grade. They demonstrate preparation for the Module Test. 


Module Tests

  • Each test MUST be passed with a score of 70% or more to demonstrate understanding of the material before moving on to the next module.
    • If you did not earn at least 70%, after the completion of a review assignment you will be given another attempt.
  • For online sections, work must be uploaded to the Module Test Work Upload assignment in Canvas within 10 minutes of submitting the exam. Any questions that do not have work to support their answers will not be given credit, so your overall test score could drop.
  • For in-person sections, work must be uploaded to the Module Test Work Upload assignment in Canvas before leaving the proctoring room. Any questions that do not have work to support their answers will not be given credit, so your overall test score could drop.
  • One of the best ways to learn material and demonstrate understanding is to be prepared to present it to someone else, in your own words communicating the concepts in a clear way. Upon review of your exam with your instructor, you may be asked to explain the work that leads to your answer. Therefore, please approach every exam with the understanding that you may be asked to explain, in your own words, every detail of your solution and thought process to ensure learning. This oral explanation can also affect your grade on the exam since the goal is to assess your understanding of the process. So your exam score could go up or down. 
  • All module tests must be passed before you will be approved to take your final exam.


    • Unlike the module test, you do not need a 70%.
    • The score you earn after your instructor reviews your work is what you get.
    • This exam can only be taken once.
    • The Final is comprehensive. Like module tests, supporting work for test answers must be submitted.
    • For online sections, work must be uploaded to the Module Test Work Upload assignment in Canvas within 10 minutes of submitting the exam. Any questions that do not have work to support their answers will not be given credit, so your overall test score could drop.
    • For in-person sections, work must be uploaded to the Module Test Work Upload assignment in Canvas before leaving the proctoring room. Any questions that do not have work to support their answers will not be given credit, so your overall test score could drop.
    • Upon review of your final exam your instructor may reach out to you and ask you to explain the work that leads to your answer. Therefore, please approach every exam with the understanding that you may be asked to explain, in your own words, every detail of your solution and thought process to ensure learning. This oral explanation can also affect your grade on the exam since the goal is to assess your understanding of the process.

*The final exam score can replace a low exam score, if higher than one of the passed module tests.

*The final exam cannot be used in place of a skipped module test.

* If you miss the final exam for any reason you will receive a failing grade in the course regardless of the grade you have going into the final exam.

Progress in an Emporium Mode:

During the semester,

  • In the event a student does not complete the course material, then work will be saved up to a student’s furthest passed test. As long as the student enrolls in the Emporium mode the next semester (Fall to Spring, Spring to Summer/Fall or Summer to Fall) then the student will pick-up where they left off. However, the student will receive a failing grade for the current semester.
    • Note: Progress is only maintained from semester-to-semester if additional tests are passed each semester.
  • In the event a student completes more course material than they signed up for, then work will be saved up to a student’s furthest passed test. As long as the student enrolls in the Emporium mode the next semester (Fall to Spring, Spring to Summer/Fall or Summer to Fall) then the student will pick-up where they left off.
    • Note: Progress is only maintained from semester-to-semester if additional tests are passed each semester.


While instructors can use the Campus drop policy to withdrawal students from the course, resulting in a grade of W, students are responsible for officially withdrawing from classes by the deadline date listed in the current Class Schedule if that is their intention. There is no automatic withdrawal process. Failure to follow the proper withdrawal procedures may result in a grade of “F”.  


A student is allowed to attempt a course (or courses equivalent to it) a total of THREE TIMES. If the first attempt is unsuccessful (W, D, F, or No Pass) a student has two additional attempts to complete the course with a passing grade (A, B, C or Pass).