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- Club Expenses
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ASB Club Expenses
Planning Ahead
At the start of each school year, Club Advisors should meet with their clubs to review their current fund balances and plan out their budget based on the account codes below. The budget must be planned and approved by the club before making any purchases. The college can pay vendors directly with an invoice or reimburse employees/students for eligible expenses. Vendor payments should be paid directly to the vendor by the college. Employees or students should only go out of pocket for reimbursement when absolutely necessary. You may be asked to justify a reimbursement if it appears that the college could have paid the vendor directly.
Backup documentation is always required before the college will issue payments. Invoices must have an invoice number, business name, remittance address, itemized charges and cost, and a total amount due. Receipts must be clear and legible, itemized with cost, a receipt total, and proof of payment.
Note: if any of these elements are missing from the invoice or receipt, your request for disbursement or reimbursement will be delayed/rejected. You are strongly advised to ensure that any business you purchase from can provide clear, itemized receipts or invoices that align with the aforementioned requirements.
After discussion of a topic, a club member may make a motion to approve. Another member must then second the motion to put the topic up for a vote. If another member seconds the motion, all present club members may then vote to approve or reject the motion, or choose to abstain from voting. All motions and voting results should be recorded in the meeting minutes, as this will be required documentation before the college will issue any payments to a student, employee, or vendor.
"Motion to approve this proposed budget for the Fall semester."
"Motion to approve buying food and supplies for the Fall 2023 Club Rush Day event."
"Motion to approve buying food for club meetings during Spring 2024 semester."
Your minutes should be clear and consistent and record all the information below.
- The name of the person making the motion (e.g. Jane Doe);
- The name of the person seconding the motion (e.g. John Doe);
- The proposed action to be taken (e.g. "attend conference", "buy food," "buy supplies," "invite guest speaker");
- The event of the motion (e.g. "Club meetings", "Club Rush Day");
- The results of the vote (e.g. "5 in favor, 3 opposed, 2 abstained");
- Whether the motion passed or failed (e.g. "motion passed");
Note: when planning expenses for events, avoid approving specific dollar amounts (see example 1). Dollar amounts should only be recorded when approving a budget (see example 2). If you record in the minutes that you voted to spend $100 on Club Rush and you spend $150, we can only reimburse $100, even if you approved a sufficient budget.
Example 1
"Motion by Jane Doe to hire Guest Speaker for club meeting on 9/15/23. Motion seconded by John Doe. 7 in favor, 2 opposed, 1 abstained. Motion approved."
Example 2
"Motion by Jane Doe to approve the proposed budget below for the 2023-2024 school year. Motion seconded by John Doe."
4020 ASB Supplies - $200
5220 Conferences - $1000
5884 Food - $300
8 in favor, 1 opposed, 1 abstained. Motion passes.
Preparing Your Budget For The Semester
Your budget must be approved by the club and set up in Banner (the school's information management software) prior to making any club purchases. Review the Account Code list and the instructions below to submit your Budget Journal after the club has approved a budget. This step should be done at the beginning of the semester to ensure your budget is in place and you are ready to make purchases for your club.
The general budget process is as follows:
Step 1: Club meets and approves budget, as recorded in the minutes, based on the Account Code Cheat Sheet (Printable PDF)
Step 2: Club Advisor completes Budget Journal form and attaches the minutes approving the budget
Step 3: Budget Journal form is reviewed and approved by Student Life and Administrative Services. Administrative Services enters Budget Journal in Banner.
Budget Structure & Account Code Cheat Sheet
The college uses a sequence of 4 sets of numbers to indicate a budget string, or FOAP, which tells the employees reviewing your request exactly which budget you plan to pay an expense out of. Click here for a more detailed explanation of a FOAP.
The Fund number is a 6-digit number that indicates the club and always begins with "903."
The Org code indicates it is an ASB budget and will always be 39330.
The Account code varies depending on what you are buying (see Account Code Cheat Sheet below).
The Program code indicates if it is an ASB expense or ASB revenue and will always be either 690200 or 880000.
Type | Fund | Org | Account | Program |
Expenses |
903### |
39330 |
Varies |
690200 |
Revenue |
903### |
39330 |
8890 |
880000 |
Example Expense Budget:
Example Revenue Budget:
Click here to view the current Club Fund List.
This table contains all of the account codes that may be used to budget expenses for ASB/club activities. Before you may spend club funds, you must approve a budget and record the approval in the minutes. The proposed budget should be based on the account codes below. Be sure to list the account code, the name of the account, and the amount you wish to budget in your minutes.
Account | Name | Examples |
4020 | ASB Supplies | Any physical, tangible items purchased for club meetings or activities (office supplies, supplies for activities, etc.) |
4023 | ASB Elections | All expenses related to hosting ASB elections (posters, advertising, etc.) |
5110 | Professional Services | Guest speakers, independent contractors |
5212 | Travel Expense Student | All expenses related to a field trip (transportation services, event registration, meals, etc.) |
5220 | Conferences | All expenses related to a conference (registration, hotel, transportation, meals, etc.) |
5301 | Institutional Memberships | Any memberships to an organization that relates to the purpose of the club (e.g. AGS membership dues) |
5851 | Software Subscriptions | Licenses to use online or computer software (Canva, Photoshop, etc.) |
5882 | Commencement | All expenses related to participating in commencement |
5884 | Food | Food, snacks, drinks, catering |
5887* | Program Contingency | This account is for unallocated budget. Expenses are not posted here. See explanation below. |
6401 | Equipment (Under $5k) | Any physical equipment purchased for Student Life or club use that is under $5k (including taxes) |
640105 | Equipment ($5k+) | Any physical equipment purchased for Student Life or club use that is $5k or more (including taxes) |
6404 | Furniture | Chairs, tables, cabinets |
Account 5887 (Program Contingencies)
5887 is used as a "holding spot" to store unallocated budget. While it is an "expense" account code, it is not an account code that expenses can be charged to. Instead, it is used to store the remaining amount of a budget if the club is unsure of where to allocate it to. For example, if a club has $1000 in total funds and only plans to spend $500 on food (5884) and $250 on supplies (4020), the remaining $250 can be budgeted under 5887 as "unallocated budget." This allows the club to see how much of their funds they haven't planned out. Should the club then decide to allocate another $100 to supplies (4020), they can reduce the budget in 5887 by $100 and increase the budget in supplies (4020) by the same $100. This keeps the overall expense budget balanced while also allocating the budget appropriately, according to the club's planned expenses.
Budget Journals (aka Budget Transfers or Budget Setups) must be submitted by the Club Advisor only. The minutes from the club must be attached to show the budget approved by the student club members. This allows the Student Life Office to confirm that the proposed budget for the semester is approved by both the students and the Advisor. Budgets must be set up prior to making any purchases.
To complete a Budget Journal, please follow the steps below. You do not need an account to submit a Budget Journal.
Examples: Budget Setup | Budget Transfer
- Complete all necessary fields on the Budget Journal Form
- Transfer Type: if it is your first Budget Journal for the academic year, select Budget Setup. If you've already done a Budget Setup this year and just want to make changes, select Budget Transfer.
- Department: Student Life.
- Explanation: Indicate if you are setting up your budget for the first time or adjusting your existing budget. Please also indicate the date the club met and approved the budget change.
- Fund Type: ASB.
- The remaining fields will depend on how you want to adjust your budget. Examples of
completed Budget Journals can be found above.
- Fund: the assigned number for your club (e.g. 903xxx)
- Org: 39330
- Account: use the Account Code Cheat Sheet to determine the code that matches the approved budget in your minutes.
- Program: 690200 (expenses) or 880000 (revenue)
- All ASB/club Budget Journals must be approved by the Student Life Coordinator. Upon submitting your Budget Journal, you will be prompted to answer the question, "Does your request need coordinator approval?" Click "Yes" for this question and select the Student Life Coordinator in the dropdown. Your request will be automatically routed to the coordinator for approval.
- Once your request is fully approved, Administrative Services will enter your Budget Journal into Banner. It will be reflected in both Banner and CLASS-Web under the Adjusted Budget column.
Students may contact their Club Advisor or the Student Life Office for a copy of their current budget. Club Advisors may view the club budget on CLASS-Web by following the instructions below. If you do not have access, please consult your Dean.
- Log into CLASS-Web.
- Click on the Financial Information tab, then click the Budget Queries link.
- Type: "Budget Status by Account."
- Click the Create Query button.
- Only the following fields should be check-marked:
- Adopted Budget
- Adjusted Budget
- Year to Date
- Encumbrances
- Reservations
- Commitments
- Available Balance
- Click the Continue button.
- Adjust your settings to the following:
- Fiscal Year: [select the appropriate year]
- Fiscal Period: "14"
- Fund: [enter fund code]
- Organization: 39330
- Account: "%" (this is a wild card -- it will capture all accounts under the Fund and Org codes)
- Program: enter 690200 to see only expense budget, or leave blank to see expenses and revenue
- If you wish, you may save these settings as a query to retrieve at any future time. To do this, enter a label in the Save Query as: field.
- Click the Submit Query button.
Earning Club Funds
Clubs can receive funds in a number of ways. Students earn club funds from attending Student Life meetings, hosting fundraisers, and accepting donations. You are encouraged to reach out to Student Life to ensure you follow the best practices for bringing in new funds for your club.
Once you've collected the funds after your event, it should be counted and verified with other club officers, as well as the Advisor. Make a note of the total funds raised for your records. The funds should then be brought to the Administrative Services Office (Bldg 1600, Rm 1689, 2nd Floor) along with a completed Deposit Slip. Funds should be deposited to the college immediately after the fundraiser or similar event has ended. Students and Advisors may not hold onto cash or checks for longer than 24-48 hours.
Deposits are processed every Thursday. Approximately 1-2 weeks after the deposit is processed by Administrative Services, the deposit amount will reflect on the club's account in Banner and CLASS-Web under account 8890 (revenue).
Click here for more information on the deposit process.
Spending Your Club Funds
Once your budget has been approved and set up, you may start spending your club funds. The college should pay vendors directly for approved expenses, whenever possible. This can be done by submitting the appropriate form and documentation to the Student Life Office for review. The type of form and backup documentation needed will vary depending on the type of expense. Every form that records an expense will require a FOAP (aka budget string). To better understand what a FOAP is, click here.
The college follows the guidelines outlined by FCMAT (Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team) for allowable ASB expenses. Generally speaking, ASB-funded expenditures should benefit Las Positas College students (the entire student body). Certain expenditures are never allowed, such as alcohol, gifts or cash (no gifts of public funds), gift cards, etc. Purchases must be preapproved (documented in meeting minutes). We strongly recommend you consult with the Student Life Office Coordinator before making any purchases to ensure the expense will be reimbursed. The allowables guide below serves as a great starting point to help determine if your planned expenses will be reimbursed by the college.
Form/Process | Example Expenses |
(To set up a Purchase Order) |
Hiring guest speakers, ordering supplies from a vendor with a quote, etc. When submitting your form, click here for helpful information! |
(To request a Check Payment) |
Reimburse advisor/student for food or other small purchases When submitting your form, click here for helpful information! |
(To request to attend a conference) |
This form is used by employees only. Expenses will be recorded on the Conference Expense Claim (below)
(To get reimbursed for a conference) |
This form is used by employees only. Conference registration, hotel, travel, meal per diem, etc. |
Amazon | The college has a Prime business account with Amazon. Consult the Student Life Coordinator for Amazon orders. |
Office Depot | The college has a business account with Office Depot. Consult the Student Life Coordinator for Office Depot orders. |
Credit Cards | If the vendor requires a credit card payment and will not accept a Purchase Order or check, contact the Student Life Coordinator. |
The college operates on a "fiscal year calendar" that starts every year on July 1st and ends the following year on June 30th. All expenses, revenue, and budgeting is tracked and recorded within the appropriate fiscal year the purchase was made. In order to process everything within the appropriate time period, Administrative Services will announce deadlines for various processes to all departments in advance. The first deadline for spending occurs around April of each year. Exact deadlines will vary each year. Contact the Student Life Office for more information on deadlines for submitting paperwork.
For more information please contact:
Sean Brooks
Vice President of Administrative Services
(925) 424-1630
Andrea Anderson
Executive Assistant
(925) 424-1631
Sharon Davidson
Administrative Services Technician
(925) 424-1632
Sui Song
Administrative Services Officer
(925) 424-1634
Alesia High
Fiscal Coordinator, Special Programs & Grants
(925) 424-1633
Thomas Rothman
Accounting Technician
(925) 424-1636