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- Conferences & Travel
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Conferences and other college business-related travel must be approved in advance. Approval is obtained via the Conference Leave Request Form. Please note that while the title of this form is "Conference Leave: Request Form," this form is to be used for any instance where you request to travel for business-related work and/or will be acting as a representative of the college while off-campus -- it is not strictly limited to conferences*. This form indicates the dates, explanation for the travel, approval to be off-campus, and potential cost(s) and funding source for said costs. See below for the general process of requesting leave for travel.
*Note: this form should still be used in instances where a conference is being held in an online/virtual environment.
Important: meal per diems are in effect for conference travel. Please see Step 4 (below) for more information.
Please review the Conference Checklist for helpful information before, during, and after your conference or similar travel.
When making preparations and purchases for your conference, please review District's Conference Allowables Table to determine which expenses are eligible for reimbursement.
Flowchart: Conferences & Travel
- Complete the Conference Leave: Request Form. An agenda is required to be attached to the form. If one is not yet available, attach any relevant flyer or email. You must then forward
a copy of the agenda, via email, to Administrative Services when it becomes available.
- All required fields must be completed. If you expect to incur no costs for the trip, enter "0" for the cost and check off "No Cost to District." If you anticipate to incur some costs for the trip, enter the estimated amount and indicate the FOAP (Fund-Org-Account-Program) to pay for the expenses.
- One form per employee. Multiple employees should NOT be listed on the same Conference Leave Request form.
- Submit the form to your department's Administrative or Executive Assistant for review.
- All requests require up to the President's approval. Out-of-state requests require Chancellor approval. Out-of-country requests require Board approval.
- The Business Office reviews and tracks all approved Conference Leave Requests. The form will be automatically assigned a "C number" upon submission. This "C number" is the unique reference number for your conference request. If you incur expenses and will submit a Conference Expense Claim Form, this auto-assigned C number must be referenced on the Expense Claim.
- Once final approval has been obtained, the initiator of the form will receive an auto-generated email with a link to view or download a copy of the completed request. Preparations should not be made until after final approval has been obtained. You may not be reimbursed for expenses incurred for travel requests that have not been approved. Paying for expenses, such as airfare, before receiving final approval is done so at your own risk. Please note this fully approved Conference Leave Request Form must be attached to your Conference Expense Claim (completed in Step 5).
Out-of-State Travel
Travel outside of California (but within the US) requires signature approval from the CLPCCD Chancellor. This will be obtained by the Business Office upon receipt of the Conference Leave Request form.
Out-of-Country Travel
Travel outside of the United States of America requires board approval. Please consult your Dean's office for assistance in acquiring Board approval.
Travel Involving Students
If students are accompanying you on a field trip, conference, or other college-related travel, please do not reimburse the student directly for eligible purchases, including food. The college can reimburse students directly for purchases via a Disbursement Request Form, provided they submit itemized receipts with proof of payment. Paying for a group meal yourself is fine (just list the names of the students you paid for when you complete your reimbursement paperwork), but reimbursing students for individual meals they ate while on travel is discouraged.
Once your conference form has been approved, start making any necessary arrangements for your trip, such as registration, booking flights, hotel, etc. You are strongly encouraged to direct-pay any expenses, whenever possible, through the college. Conference registrations and some hotels may be paid directly from the college to the vendor with a Disbursement Request form and a copy of an invoice or bill. Other expenses, such as flights, food, and other incidental expenses, typically can't be direct-paid. Some expenses, such as flights, may be paid via a college P-Card. Ask your Dean for assistance in requesting purchases through a P-Card.
Paying for Expenses for Approved Travel
You may pay for travel-related expenses via several different ways. Registration, hotels, and similar costs may be paid directly to the vendor via a Disbursement Request Form. Airfare may be paid by the employee (to be reimbursed later) or with a P-Card (consult your supervisor for assistance). You may also pay for your expenses yourself, either through an advance of funds or through your own funds (to be reimbursed). If you wish to request an advance for your travel, complete the Disbursement Request Form and select "Advance" in the top-right dropdown (see step 3). Any eligible out-of-pocket expenses may be reimbursed on your Conference Expense Claim form (see step 5). For more information on this process, please review the Conference Checklist.
Note: when making your arrangements, you are strongly encouraged to plan ahead and book
the cheapest options available for flights, hotels, etc. The college does not pay
for business class airfare, upgraded hotel rooms, valet parking, early bird check-in,
or other related expenses. When choosing between driving or flying, the college will
only reimburse for whichever option is cheaper. Any expenses incurred at a higher
rate than necessary will only be reimbursed at the lower rate, and the difference
will be at the employee's expense. The college does not reimburse for non-approved
travel companions, such as spouses, family members, friends, or non-approved employees.
Las Positas College is a tax-payer funded institution. Your travel expenses should
be at the lowest and most reasonable cost to the college.
For more information on Conference & Travel guidelines, please click here.
You may request an advance of funds for your conference via the Disbursement Request Form. The amount you request should only be a portion of the estimated cost indicated on your Conference Leave Request form and may not exceed that estimated amount. Cash advances may only be requested after the employee has received full approval on their Conference Leave Request form. The Business Office will send a copy of the Conference Leave Request form to the employee once full approval has been received.
Cash Advance Process
- Complete the Disbursement Request Form. Attach a copy of your fully approved Conference Leave Request form before submitting the document.
- Route the form to your Division Office for review. Un-check any optional steps in the routing that do not apply.
- The Business Office will review your request once received from your Dean or VP's office. Advances of $500 or more are cut by the District's Accounts Payable Office. Advances less than $500 are cut by the Business Office.
While attending your conference, be sure to retain any receipts for your expenses. When paying for expenses, make sure to ask the vendor for a copy that shows all charges as well as proof of payment. Receipts may only be reimbursed if they are itemized and show proof of payment. Keep all receipts in a secure location to avoid losing or misplacing them.
Meal Reimbursement
Meal per diems are in effect for conferences. Original meal receipts are no longer being accepted. To be reimbursed for meals while at a conference, visit the GSA webpage, enter the location of your conference, and print out the meal per diem rates (as a PDF file). This PDF will act as your receipt for your Conference Expense Claim. You may not claim a meal per diem for a meal in which the conference provided food. For example, if the conference provided breakfast, but not lunch or dinner, you may only claim lunch and/or dinner. You may not claim breakfast for that day.
Click here for an example GSA meal per diem page
Please note that only Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner per diem rates are accepted. The College is not using the "first & last day of travel" rate, the "incidental expenses"
rate, "daily lodging" rate, or any other rates from the GSA website.
Complete your Conference Expense Claim shortly after returning from your conference. Your expense claim should include all expenses incurred for the conference, including expenses paid with a P-Card or Disbursement Request. Your fully approved Conference Leave Request Form must be attached at the end of your Conference Expense Claim packet.
For more information please contact:
Sean Brooks
Vice President of Administrative Services
(925) 424-1630
Andrea Anderson
Executive Assistant
(925) 424-1631
Sharon Davidson
Administrative Services Technician
(925) 424-1632
Sui Song
Administrative Services Officer
(925) 424-1634
Alesia High
Fiscal Coordinator, Special Programs & Grants
(925) 424-1633
Thomas Rothman
Accounting Technician
(925) 424-1636