Free Math Tutoring
Need math help now? Use our free drop-in tutoring.
(2100 building, 2nd floor, room 21215)
Get your math class' tutoring schedule below and come on by!
Math 1 | Math 2 | Math 3 | Math 5 | Math 7 | Math 10 | Math 30 | Math 33 | Math34 | Math 39 | Math 40 | Math 47 | Math 55
Don't be left behind.
Be confident with free math tutoring.
Use Penji, our free mobile app to book your first math tutoring appointment today.
(Email for password reset)
Want help from an LPC math professor?
Register for NMAT 202c (CRN 31388) to get free help from a math professor.
(NMAT 202c is free, non-credit, ungraded, and not on your transcript. Visit the Math Department website for more information.)
Can't come to campus?
Use our free online math tutoring.
We got you covered. All LPC students get 18 hours of free online tutoring each semester on NetTutor.
(Online math tutors are usually available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!)
What do students say about math tutoring?
"Started college at 26 not remembering anything math related. Spent most days getting tutored every week. Absolutely crushed my first algebra exam. Incredible resources here at LPC."
"I really liked that even though I was struggling with the material the tutor didn't judge me and broke down confusing concepts to me. Overall really liked the tutoring service and will continue to come by!"
"They helped me with statistics a ton."
"My tutor was extremely patient and helpful. I had a great experience at the Tutoring center."
How can faculty better refer students to tutoring?
Learn how to embed tutoring calenders directly into Canvas.