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Las Positas College

Canvas Discussions

In Summer 2024, LPC enabled Canvas' updated Discussions tool that has a new interface and new features.

Interface Modifications

Updated changes to Canvas Discussions include:

  • A new viewing options toolbar appears at the top of the discussion thread.
  • Additional menu options are located by clicking on the three dots.
  • Users can sort replies from newest to oldest or oldest to newest and quickly move to the top of the discussion. 
  • Newest replies appear at the top of the first page instead of the bottom of the last page.
  • More new features below:

View options menu

Flexible Viewing Options: Inline View and Split View

In Discussions, a button is displayed that allows instructors and students to view replies in two different ways.

  • Inline View displays replies similar to the legacy discussions where users scroll downward.
  • Split View displays threaded replies in a column on the right side next to the main reply post. All replies to the post can be viewed in the right column by scolling. 

Split View

Video of new viewing and menu settings:

Role Labels

Discussion threads display a label for users with the Teacher. This feature helps students identify their Teacher in the course more quickly.

Threads also include a label indicating the discussion author.

Example of pill label

Anonymous Discussion

Student names and profile pictures will be visible to other course members by default. When setting up your discussion, you have two anonymous options.

  • Partial: students can choose to reveal their name and profile picture.
  • Full: student names and profile pictures will be hidden.

Note that when either anonymous feature is selected, a warning pops up that grading is not supported.

Anonymous settings

Video of new discussion options:

Reply Reporting

Within individual discussions, replies can be reported by students and teachers. Teachers can choose to enable "Reporting" in the Discussion Settings menu on the main Discussions page (click the gear icon at the top right).

Once enabled, all users can report replies by clicking the three dots menu for that reply and clicking on Report. That specific reply will be tagged red with a number indicating how many reports were posted. Clicking on the red tag will pop up a report type menu.

Reporting tool location

Video of reporting in a discussion:


You can directly mention classmates and faculty members in discussions using the "@" symbol and a list of names appear to highlight within the reply.

Mention feature using the @ symbol.

Video of a mention in a discussion:


The reply menu has the option to "Quote Reply" of a post. If selected, and you want the quote to appear in the post, you must remember to click the button "Include queted reply in the message". Then the quote is emphasised with a verticle rule.

Include quote in reply button.

Discussion History View

The "View History" link of a post or reply can is located below the student's name and date:

Review History link.

When a user edits a submitted discussion reply, instructors and the students can view the edit history of the posts and select from the menu what to review.

History menu.

If you don't want students to edit or delete their own replies, go to Discussion Settings on the main Discussions page, and deselect that option under Student Settings.

Discussion history settings