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Las Positas College

The Professional Development Committee

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News & Updates


News & Updates

  • The FLEX Days for 2024-2025 have been determined.  They are Thursday, October 24 for Fall 2024 and Thursday, March 20 for Spring 2025. 
  • The FLEX Days for 2025-2026 have been determined.  They are Thursday, October 23 for Fall 2025 and Thursday, March 19 for Spring 2026. 
  • If you are Full-Time faculty, please make sure to complete your Variable FLEX form (Part 1) by November 15 and submit to Jennifer Farber.  
  • The PDC is currently accepting proposals for our fall 2024 FLEX Day which is on Thursday, October 24 from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.  The final deadline to submit proposals for consideration in the program is Tuesday, September 24 by 5:00 PM.
  • Archives from past FLEX day sessions, including spring 2024, can be found here.  


The Professional Development Committee is charged in an advisory capacity to address the professional and personal growth needs of the campus faculty, staff, and administration in accordance with the California Education Code as well as to foster the professional development goals set forth in the CLPCCD District Educational Master Plan  and the Las Positas College Mission Statement & Institutional Strategic Goals.



  • In 2014, AB 2558 was placed into effect which effectively established the Community College Professional Development Program and eliminated the Community College Faculty and Staff Development Fund.

  • This assembly bill requires that each campus has a Professional Development Advisory Committee (composed of faculty, staff, and administrators), completes an annual human development resources plan, and submits a report of the actual expenses incurred through faculty & staff development each year. 

  • Professional Development Funding is to be disbursed according to the rules and regulations of the board of governors. In order to receive continued funding for Professional Development on campus, documentation must be maintained concerning employees' participation in Professional Development activities in accordance with their contractually obligated hours.

  • Another intersting item is the creation of the ACCJC Accreditation Standard III.A.14 which calls for the following:

    "The institution plans for and provides all personnel with appropriate
    opportunities for continued professional development, consistent with the
    institutional mission and based on evolving pedagogy, technology, and
    learning needs. The institution systematically evaluates professional
    development programs and uses the results of these evaluations as the basis
    for improvement."

  • Section 87153 of California Education Code specifies the type of Professional Development activities that may be funded by the Community College Professional Development Program. They are as follows:
    • Improvement of teaching.
    • Maintenance of current academic and technical knowledge and skills.
    • In-service training for vocational education and employment preparation.
    • Retraining to meet changing institutional needs.
    • Intersegmental exchange programs.
    • Development of innovations in instructional and adminstrative techniques and program effectiveness.
    • Computer and technological proficiency programs.
    • Courses and training implementing affirmative action and upward mobility.
    • Other activities determined to be related to educational and professional development pursuant to criteria established by the Board of Governors of the California Community Colleges, including, but not necessarily limited to, programs designed to develop self-esteem.


Meetings are held during the second Monday of each month from 2:30 PM - 4:30 PM in Room 21247. 


Charge of Committee

Develop policies and processes for awarding of professional development funds; review and make recommendations for funding of staff proposals; plan and promote professional development activities.

Reporting Relationship

President, Academic Senate, Classified Senate


  • Faculty Tri-Chair (selected by President & Academic Senate)
  • Classified Tri-Chair (selected by Classified Senate)
  • Administrator Tri-Chair (President or designee)
  • 1 Faculty from each Division (currently 5 total)
  • 1 Part-time Faculty 
  • 5 Classified, including Teaching and Learning Center and Administrative Services
  • 1 Student (non-voting), selected from LPCSG

Appointments by

  • Academic Senate
  • Administration (President)
  • Classified Senate


2 years. One-half replaced each year. First year selected by lottery.

This is the membership list, effective for the 2024-2025 Academic Year:

Name Role/Position/Divison
Dyrell Foster Administrator Tri-Chair
Aubrie Ross Classified Tri-Chair
David Powers Faculty Tri-Chair
Jennifer Farber Administrative Assistant
Meghan Swanson-Garoupa Faculty/A&H
Erick Bell Faculty/BSSL
Vacant Faculty/PATH
Ann Hight Faculty/STEM
Marina Lira Faculty/Student Services
Cheryl Dolan Part-Time Faculty
Alesia High Classified/Administrative Services
Wanda Butterly Classified/TLC
Anne Kennedy Classified
Jean O'Neil-Opipari Classified
Marisol Baltazar Classified
Vacant LPCSG


The Professional Development Committee currently reports out to the President & the Academic Senate. The official membership consists of three chairs (administrator, faculty, and classified), five faculty (one from each division), one part-time faculty member, and five classified (including the TLC and Administrative Services). Appointments are made by a combination of the Academic Senate, Administration, and the Classified Senate. Members serve two year terms with one-half of the membership replaced each year. The first year of the Professional Development Committee is selected by lottery.