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Las Positas College

The LPC campus will reopen for regular operations on January 2, 2025.

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At Las Positas College Theater Arts, we can't make everything better all the time, but we can strive to support, love, and guide you to make some of the things better most of the time. And really, a small step in the right direction can have a huge impact. This page is meant to be a resource guide for you - a landing place for help and hope. But most importantly, as your professors, we love and care about you ... so when all else fails, reach out for guidance. Compassion is never as far away as it seems. Many of us will experience a mental health challenge in our lifetime. All of us have a reason to speak up.

Need help?     Text: "COURAGE"    To: 741741

Mental Health for Performers

According to the the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, people with mental illnesses are more prone to physical health problems as well, so it’s that much more necessary for them to focus on their overall health. One major focal point is the “Eight Dimensions of Wellness.” This theory suggests there are eight different areas where people need to be balanced and healthy in order to have complete wellness, according to the website.

wellness areas



For more resources and information, visit the Student Resources Page page for LPC.