Program Review Committee
Completed Tasks
Below are the lists of tasks the Program Review Committee has completed in support of the committee charge.
Committee Tasks for 2023-2024
- Designed, received approval for, and implemented a program review update template and process, beginning in 2023-24.
- Determined a cycle for completing program reviews vs. program review updates.
- Co-created Division Summaries for all divisions and submitted them to IPEC for their review.
- Read all program reviews submitted within each division
- Summary of this year’s program review cycle sent to the campus*
- Solicit feedback on the 24-25 template from stakeholder groups*
* = items in progress at the time of this report
Committee Tasks for 2022-2023
- Working collaboratively with administration, appropriate committees, and other College constituencies on the integration of program review into planning and resource allocation processes.
- Finalized and distributed the Program Review template for AY 22-23
- Held workshops for PR writers
- Mentored writers of the program review for 22-23, including 1:1 support
- Collaborated with the SLO committee on content and to complete the reading process
- Read and summarized 66 program reviews
- Worked collaboratively with Deans to complete the division summaries
- Sent Division summaries to IPEC for mapping to, and creation of, planning priorities
- Sent out a recap of the PR review process and key findings to the campus*
- Reviewed feedback to strengthen forms and processes*
- Posted materials on the Program Review website*
- Created the Program Review template for AY 23-24 *
- Mapped program review to standards for accreditation*
* = items in progress at the time of this report
Committee Tasks for 2021-2022
- Working collaboratively with administration, appropriate committees, and other College constituencies on the integration of program review into planning and resource allocation processes
- Finalized and distributed the Program Review template for AY 21-22
- Created an overview video and workshop for PR writers
- Mentored writers of the program review for 21-22, including 1:1 support
- Collaborated with the SLO committee on content and to complete the reading process
- Read and summarized 66 program reviews
- Worked collaboratively with Deans to complete the division summaries
- Sent Division summaries to IPEC for mapping to, and creation of, planning priorities
- Sent out a recap of the PR review process and key findings to the campus
- Reviewed feedback to strengthen forms and processes
- Posted materials on the Program Review website*
- Created the Program Review template for AY 22-23 *
- Mapped program review to standards for accreditation*
* = items in progress at the time of this report
Committee Tasks for 2020-2021
- Evaluated the program review forms and process from the 19-20 cycle, using writers, readers Deans and IPEC survey data.
- Developed new forms and processes for the 20-21 writers and for the Division Summaries.
- Communicated these process to the community - information video created, 2 information sessions held (with support from SLO and IR), forms posted on the PR website and announced at Division Meetings.
- The chair attended Dean's meetings, along with individual meetings as needed, to both
develop the Summary process and to provide support during the development of the summaries.
Committee Tasks for 2019-2020
- Worked on creating the Program Review template for AY 20-21.*
- Mentored program review writers in composing and revising Program Reviews.
- Read program reviews.
- Collaborated with deans to help them write Division Summaries.
- Worked on a revised Division Summary process for AY 20-21.*
- Worked on an updated process for Program Review during COVID-related SIP.
- Reviewed feedback in order to strengthen forms and processes.
- Investigated possbility of a changed timeline for the Program Review process.
* = items in progress at the time of this report
Program Review Committee
Committee Meetings
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
3:00 - 4:30 p.m. in TBD
For more information please contact:
Karin Spirn
Program Review Committee Chair
(925) 424-1219