Math Tutoring
Pick one of our four types of math tutoring that best suits your needs. All tutoring is free for Las Positas students.
Use our unlimited free in-person drop-in math tutoring. To get started ...
Search your zonemail for your "My Portal" activation email.
If you still can't log in to My Portal, send your W# to or call (925) 424-1710 to request a new password.
Log in to Penji, our free tutoring scheduling app, using your My Portal password to see our drop-in times.
Need more math support on a weekly basis? Schedule free weekly one-on-one tutoring sessions with a student tutor. To get started ...
Search your zonemail for your "My Portal" activation email.
If you still can't log in to My Portal, send your W# to or call (925) 424-1710 to request a new password.
Log in to Penji, our free tutoring scheduling app.
Math Concurrent Support Class
Enroll in a free, non-credit, ungraded, math concurrent support class that does not show up on your transcript. Visit the Math Department website for more information.
Free online drop-in tutoring is available on Canvas using NetTutor. Click here to get started.