- Las Positas College
- Governance
- Committees
College Committees
The vehicle by which the consultation process shall function and be organized is the Standing Committee, Committee, and Task Force structure. Committees are designed to formalize the collegial process, facilitate communication, develop plans and processes, and provide input for the effective planning and operation of the college.
Please see College Governance for more information.
Agendas will be made available prior to the meetings and minutes will be taken at all meetings and distributed through e-mail and posted in appropriate locations. Term lengths do not preclude members from serving additional terms.
College Shared Governance Committees:
- Institutional Planning and Effectiveness Committee (IPEC)
- Resource Allocation Committee (RAC)
- Facilities & Sustainability Committee
- Technology Committee
- Health and Safety Committee
- Budget Development Subcommittee
- Career Technical Education Committee
Academic Senate Committees/ Representatives on College Council:
- Math and Language Equity and Achievement formerly Basic Skills Committee
- College Enrollment Management Committee (CEMC)
- Curriculum
- Distance Education Committee
- Faculty Hiring Prioritization Committee
- Program Review Committee (formerly Academic P.R. and Instructional P.R.)
- Professional Development Committee
- Student Learning Outcomes (SLO) - Instructions, Tutorials, eLumen, etc.
- Student Equity and Achievement Committee
Other College Initiatives:
- Campus Change Network - No longer meets
- District-Wide Committees
- Guided Pathways
Commonly Used Resources
- Divisions At-A-Glance
- Committee Meetings Master Calendar
- Directory of LPC Employees - Fall 2023
- Emergency Procedures
- Branding and Logos
- Guest Speaker - Visitor Pass
Dr. Dyrell Foster
Sheri Moore
Executive Assistant to the College President
Angelica Cazarez
Sr. Administrative Assistant to the College President
Town Meeting
First Wednesday
2:30 -4:30 pm
Room 2420
College Council
4th Thursdays
2:30 - 4:30 PM
Room 1687
Administrative Staff
First & Third Thursdays
10 a.m. to 12 p.m.
Room 1687