Find a job or Internship
Handshake (LPC Internship and Job Board) - jobs and internships exclusively for LPC students and alumni
- Paid Internship Opportunities - list maintained by LPC Career Center
- Indeed - job board with a variety of jobs and internships
- EDJOIN - jobs at K-12 schools
- LinkedIn - job and internship board, social media for networking with professionals in your field of study
- Interview Tips from Indeed
- Job Interview One Sheet - fill this out before your interview to prepare answers to common questions. This tool comes from Jenny Blake's book, Life After College, and Portland Community College.
- Interview Clothing - if you need financial assistance to purchase professional clothing, contact the Student Resources Program Manager at Las Positas College.
Career Fairs and Events - Explore career options and learn more about employment opportunites.
Find volunteer opportunities to help with events at Las Positas College at this calendar.
Find local volunteer opportunities related to your interests at VolunteerMatch
Learn more about non-profits in the Tri-Valley by visiting Tri-Valley Non-Profit Alliance