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Program Review Tools for Readers

Please note: Dates on this page are also posted on the Program Review Timeline which is on the Program Review Committee homepage.

  • Read all Program Reviews assigned to you. A link to the program review drafts appears at the bottom of this page, and your names are there.
    • Reading assignments within a division are occasionally non-sequential, so make sure to read all Program Reviews with your name next to them. 
  • As you read, fill out the Division Summary Template for the Program Reviews you read. The Template is an online document that will allow you to take notes on the information in the Program Reviews you read.
    • A link to the Template for each division appears at the bottom of this page.
    • Please make sure to use your assigned color (noted on the Template) to take notes.
  • Readers will receive assignments by November 11. 
  • The November 13th PRC meeting (3:00-4:30 pm) will be a work session; it is required for all PRC members, and all readers are invited to attend. 
  • All reading assignments will be primary readers. The Deans will be the second reader. 
  • Primary readers have the following responsibilities: 
    • Read the assigned Program Review in detail
    • Record priority information from that Program Review thoroughly on the Summary document
    • Put your thoughts into section C of the Division Summary Template
    • Identify themes and enter in the “overarching themes” (for both accomplishments and challenges)

All readers (including PRC readers, SLO/SAO Comittee readers, deans, and other readers) should finish posting their comments on the Division Summary Template at by Jan 24th. Change the title of your document to "Finshed" so it is clear which documents are ready for the meeting with the dean (see instrsuctions below).

Meeting with Dean

Before the end of the fall semester, the Program Review member should arrange a meeting with the dean of the division in which they are reading Program Reviews.  The date should be decided by  November 29 so it will be on everyone's calendars for the new semester. 

The dean and all PRC readers for the division should attend this meeting. Meetings should take place between January 27 and 31 and should last about 1. 5 hours. 

  • All attendees should be prepared to access the Division Summary document during the meeting. 
  • The goal of this meeting is to review the readers' notes on the Division Summary form and complete a final or close-to-final draft of the Division Summary (see "Writing the Summary" below). 
  • If the readers want to suggest revisions to a Program Review, the dean should communicate these suggestions to the program by December.  They may do so in person, by email, or using the Suggestions for Revision Form. 
During the Meeting
  • At the meeting, the assembled team will write the Division Summary on the same reading form. 
  • To create the summary, edit your Division Summary template with all the readers' notes, adding and deleting information as needed.
    • If you would like to preserve your team's notes to use as you work, make a copy of the summary template with the notes (using "Save as" under "file" on MS Word).
    • Name the copy "Division Summary Notes" or something similar and share it with the meeting members to use alongside the edited summary document. 
  • Meeting Tasks 
    1. Review the notes about Program Reviews
    2. Identify/confirm themes for the accomplishments, challenges, meaningful changes
    3. Clarify any confusing sections and delete redunancies 
    4. Create the list of Priorities 
  • The summary should ideally be completed by the end of the meeting! If it is not completed, any remaining work should be done by the dean; such work should be minimal.
  • After this meeting, the PRC member should go into the Division Summary online document and set the permissions to "commenter."
  • After this step the PRC members' duties are completed. 
  • The Division Summaries are due to Karin Spirn on January 31.  The Dean should send a "finalized division summary" document. She will change the editing option to "Commenter"
  • Summaries should be discussed during the division meetings in February or shared with the division in another way. Deans may choose to update summaries based on division feedback; any updates should be sent to the PRC chair by February 25.

Program Review Committee

Committee Meetings
2nd & 4th Wednesdays
3:00 - 4:30 p.m. in TBD

For more information please contact:

Karin Spirn
Program Review Committee Chair