Choose a Password
When you enter a new password, make sure you enter one that is not likely to be guessed by anyone. Here are some other tips for choosing a password:
- Use at least 8 characters.
- Use a combination of upper- and lower-cased letters, numbers, and special characters (!@#$%&*).
- Make the password unique to to this login only; don't use it for any other purposes.
- Don't use a word that can be found in the dictionary.
- If you have to write your password down, put it somewhere that only you have access to.
- When you log in, make sure that nobody is watching you.
- Don't share your password with anybody.
- If you think someone might know your password, change it.
- Consider using a password manager, some of which are free.
One effective method for choosing a password is to think of a sentence, and use the first letter of each word in addition to numbers and special characters.
For example, My number one baseball team is the Oakland A's!
Password: Mn1btitOA!
Passwords are case-sensitive.