- Las Positas College
- Governance
- Curriculum Committee
- Curriculum Completed Tasks
Curriculum Committee
Curriculum Committee
Completed Tasks
Committee Tasks for 2022-2023
- Reviewed and supported new courses and modifications to existing courses, including apprenticeship and non-credit classes.
- Reviewed and supported new programs and modifications to existing programs, including apprenticeship and non-credit programs.
- Discontinuation of courses no longer offered.
- Promotion of equity in curriculum through meaningful discussions surrounding the completion of the Equity Based Consideration for new and modified courses.
- Provided curriculum development and review training to curriculum committee members, new faculty members, and college campus during both College Day and Flex Day.
- Promoted guided pathway completion maps through meaningful discussions surrounding advisory requisites and units assigned to new and modified courses and programs. This includes changing the language from “Strongly Recommended” “Recommended Course Preparation”.
- Assisted in the design of the Credit for Prior Learning approval process.
- Assisted in the selection of new software for course and program management, including student learning outcome assessments.
Committee Tasks for 2021-2022
- Reviewed and supported new courses and modifications to existing courses, including apprenticeship and non-credit classes
- Reviewed and supported new courses and modifications to existing programs, including apprenticeship and non-credit programs
- Consideration of impact on AB 705 to prerequisite, corequisite, and advisory courses for Math, English and ESL
- Consideration of changes to the GE Pattern, as part of our regular cycle of review
- Discontinuation of courses no longer offered
- Selection and appointment of new curriculum committee chair
- Promotion of equity in curriculum through new Equity Based Consideration section for new and modified courses
- Provided curriculum development and review training to curriculum committee members and college campus
- Continued to approve DE addendums for courses in response to necessary modifications to teaching modalities
- Assisted in the design of the Credit for Prior Learning approval process
Committee Tasks for 2020-2021
- 590 Courses Approved for Distance Education
- 102 Revised Credit Courses Approved
- New Credit Programs & 10 New Noncredit Programs Approved
- 22 New Credit Courses & 23 New Noncredit Courses Approved
- 94 Requisites (New & Revised) Approved
- 47 Course Discipline Placements (New & Revised) Approved
- 21 Modified Credit Programs & 55 Administrative Program Revisions Approved
- New Ethnic Studies Course Descriptor (ETHS) Created
- 16 Courses Approved for AA/AS GE and/or CSU T (New & Revised)
- 7 Courses Approved for Correspondence Education
Committee Tasks for 2019-2020
- 51 New Credit Programs & 15 New Noncredit Programs Approved
- 104 Modified Credit Programs & 33 Administrative Credit Program Revisions Approved
- 113 New Credit Courses & 60 New Noncredit Courses Approved
- 363 Modified Credit Courses & 1 Modified Noncredit Course Approved
- 328 Requisites (New & Revised) Approved
- 196 Course Discipline Placements (New & Revised) Approved
- 82 Courses Approved for Distance Education
- 2 Program Deactivations & 89 Course Deactivations
- 84 Coures Approved for AA/AS GE & 79 Courses Approved for CSU T
- Sunset Policy Approved
For more information, please contact:
Craig Kutil
Curriculum Chair / Articulation Officer
(925) 424-1346
Liz McWhorter
Curriculum & SLO Specialist
(925) 424-1106
Andrea Migliaccio
Curriculum & Scheduling Specialist
(925) 424-1108
Danielle Bañuelos
Program Mapper & Career Coach Specialist
(925) 424-1111